I hate saying I’m an “atheist.”
It sounds like I’m just “oh-so-sure” there’s no
God. It sounds as arrogant as those who profess to know
there IS a God, irrefutably.
But I also hate the wishy-washy term, “agnostic”:
Oh, I don’t know, but I’m, like, open to the idea, you know?
Like it’s way beyond ‘knowing and ‘not knowing,’ and…
blah blah blah.
Agnostics just sound like
they’re covering their asses just in case
if there is a God, He/She/It won’t be
pissed at them.
I think I know what I am.
I am a Dubioust.
I’m highly skeptical there’s a God.
It’s possible something exists that my limited
human brain capacity can’t fathom.
But it’s not like I’m necessarily “open”
to the idea that there’s a God.
Because if there is?
I’d like to have a fucking word
if I may —
We’ll start with Syria,
go from there.