I Googled. The only logos I got close to getting correct was the Android and Amazon. I knew the arms were detached but wasn’t sure about the legs, and I thought Amazon’s was a deep gold, but it’s actually more of an orange color.
This is a great article an lesson. People think branding and logos are so simple, but this is proof-positive that we really “know it when we see it” and that’s about it.
Interestingly, a local “logo” here in Utah is the brand “Larry H. Miller,” because a) his name’s on half the businesses in the state, and b) it’s very simple: It’s his signature. I can see his signature in my mind’s eye. So I’m going to draw it out, as best I can and see how well I do…hold on…NOPE. I was close on the signature, but there is a “logo” right before his name/signature I’ve never even seen. Without it, I’d never know it was LHM’s logo. Wow. Great lesson here, Linda, as usual.