While I’m an avid reader of all types of books, I’d like to humbly posit that non-fiction books are not the only books that can change your life. As a poet, novelist, and short story author, I subscribe to the wisdom of Albert Camus, who said “Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”
I have read life-changing non-fiction books, yes. But I have been transformed by great fiction as well. Great fiction is never didactic, never black and white; it is as complex and nuanced as a human being and the themes within great fiction speak of universal truths that sometimes need to be shown through story, rather than told, no frills, with a sub-point.
So while I love love love that you advocate reading(!!!!!), I don’t want us to forget the power of story. The power of great fiction that literally engenders things such as empathy and compassion, something that a regular self-help book may not achieve.
Bottom line: YES! Read books, as many as you can, always! But read all kinds. Even poetry. Thank you for the great article/essay/blog. Peace to you —